Well, a couple of weeks into the New Year, and it’s time for the usual Resolutions. So what are mine this year? While some I am keeping to myself, I’m happy to share a few techie ones.
In no particular order I intend to do/get the following:
- Obtain a Macbook (Air / Pro)
- Learn how to program the iPhone / iPad
- Get a tablet PC (iPad possibly or Windows 7 based one – we shall see)
- New Digital camera to replace the now aging Canon EOS350 (my current one has suffered from being in -28°C and +40°C in its working life)
- Get this Blog back up and running doing the following:
- Reviewing iPhone Apps – on the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3G
- Document insights into MySQL from the servers I manage
- Get to grips (finally) with OOP and PHP (come on, I know JAVA so I really should have cracked this already but the old C programming gets in the way)
- Have a dabble in Cloud Computing – it seems to be here to stay, and since 2010 had virtualization, 2011 is Cloud 🙂
That’s it for now – check back to see how I do!